Lisbon trams

EAAE/ARCC 2016: Call for Abstracts

The 10th International Conference of the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) and the Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) is pleased to announce A CALL FOR ABSTRACTS.

Conference Theme

Architectural Research addressing Societal Challenges

Abstracts may be framed within the following five sub-themes:


  1. A Changing Society
  2. In Transit – Global Migration
  3. Renaturalization of the City
  4. Emerging Fields of Architectural Practice
  5. Research on Architectural Education

Max Abstract Word Count

500 words

Abstract submission deadline

13 November 2015

Submit Online

There will be a limited number of paper presentations. Submissions will be blind peer-reviewed.  Select abstracts will be invited to submit a final paper, which must be original, unpublished material, 4-12 pages in length. The papers of authors who attend the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings

For more information and online submission of abstracts, please see: