ARCC New Book Award

Nominations Due: October 28, 2024

The ARCC New Book Award recognizes distinguished works of architectural research completed by a scholar at an ARCC member institution. This award recognizes a book published within the past three years (2021-present) that significantly contributes to architectural research by demonstrating rigorous or innovative use of evidence or methods. Books may be on any topic in architecture or related fields.

ARCC defines ‘architectural research’ broadly and inclusively across a range of domains to advance knowledge of the built environment.

Each ARCC member institution is invited to submit one nomination per year. The criteria for selecting a nominee will be at the member school’s discretion. Nominees must hold a full-time faculty appointment at the nominating institution. A selection committee and the ARCC Board of Directors will make the final decision on conferring the award.

Information included in the Nomination submission for the ARCC New Book Award:

  • Date submitted:
  • Nominee contact information: name, professorial rank, phone, e-mail
  • Book citation: author, title, publisher and date of publication
  • Book abstract or introduction: summary description of the purpose, scope, and goals of the book
  • A PDF Copy of the book.
  • Nominator contact information: name, title, phone, email
  • Nomination letter: original on official letterhead from Dean or Department Head of the nominee’s institution (1 page max.)
  • Two letters of support: from colleagues who are subject matter experts (1 page max. each)
  • A statement describing the books contribution and impact: significance of the research, including innovative use of evidence and methodological approach, citation counts, scholarly review, library holdings (1000 words maximum)
  • Book review: a PDF or eBook copy of the book will be requested from short-listed applicants.
  • Confirmation of good standing of ARCC institution membership: to be verified by the ARCC Treasurer prior to consideration.

Send electronic submission to Awards Committee Chair, Professor Ihab Elzeyadi by October 28 ,2024 in electronic form using “.pdf” file format.

Former Recipients:

Ming Hu, University of Notre Dame
Mohammad Gharipour, University of Maryland & Caitlin DeClercq, University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health
Tasoulla Hadjiani, University of Minnesota
Jeffrey Hogrefe, Scott Ruff, Pratt Institute
Dana Gulling, North Carolina State University 
Julia Robinson, University of Minnesota