All award applications are due October 28, 2024, except for the King Medal and Best Research Paper and Poster Awards. ARCC defines ‘architectural research’ broadly and inclusively across a range of domains to advance knowledge of the built environment.
Award applications should be sent to Professor Ihab Elzeyadi, Chair of the Awards Committee, and applications for the King Medal program to Dr. Brian Sinclair.
ARCC New Book Award
The ARCC Book Award is offered annually to a faculty member at an ARCC member institution to recognize recently published books that demonstrate excellence in architectural research.
ARCC Mid-Career Research Impact Award
The ARCC Mid-Career Research Impact Award is offered annually to a mid-career faculty member at an ARCC member institution to recognize outstanding performance and substantive impact in architectural research.
ARCC Best Journal Article Award
The ARCC Best Journal Award is offered annually to a faculty member at an ARCC member institution to recognize recently published peer-reviewed journal articles that demonstrate excellence in architectural research.
ARCC Research Incentive Award
The ARCC Research Incentive Award provides faculty in ARCC member schools with the resources needed to support and enhance their research and creative activities and to develop their research agendas.
ARCC Dissertation Award
The ARCC Dissertation Award is offered each year for the best dissertation by a doctoral student from a member school. The award is intended to honor significant new research in architecture and environmental design and to recognize the achievement of an emerging scholar.
ARCC New Researcher Award
The ARCC New Researcher Award each year is offered to member institutions of ARCC to acknowledge and reward emerging figures in architectural and environmental design research that demonstrate innovation in thinking, dedication in scholarship, contributions to the academy, and leadership within architectural and environmental design research.
ARCC King Student Medal
The ARCC King Student Medal for Excellence in Architectural + Environmental Design Research is named in honor of the late Jonathan King, co-founder and first president of the Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC). This award is given to one student per ARCC member college, school, institute, or unit. Selection of recipients is at the discretion of the individual member institutions, but is based upon criteria that acknowledge innovation, integrity, and scholarship in architectural and/or environmental design research.
ARCC James Haecker Distinguished Leadership Award
The ARCC James Haecker Award is awarded to individuals for distinguished leadership in architectural research. The award, named in honor of ARCC’s founding Executive Secretary, recognizes an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the growth of the research culture of architecture and related fields, including urban and regional planning, landscape architecture, and interior design. Nominees, therefore, should have demonstrated, whether in professional practice, academics, or service, a record of sustained and significant research leadership accomplishment at the national or international level.
ARCC Mary Kihl Distinguished Service Award
The ARCC Mary Kihl Award is named in honor of longstanding Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) member and past-Director Dr. Mary Kihl. This award is given to an ARCC member who has demonstrated exceptional service to the ARCC organization. Dr. Kihl has, through her many years of affiliation with ARCC, served the organization with tireless dedication, selfless contributions, uncompromising integrity, and a strong focus on excellence. Candidates for this prestigious award should demonstrate like qualities. The award will be conferred based on the merit of candidates, but not necessarily on an annual basis.
ARCC Best Research Paper and Poster Award
The ARCC Best Research Paper and Poster Award is selected from presentations at ARCC ‘s annual Conferences (either solely under direction of ARCC or as a combined conference with another institution or organization). The limited number of papers and posters are nominated and peer-reviewed by the Board of Directors. Special recognition is given to one or more submissions as the best of the conference. In years when the annual research conference is shared, representatives from both ARCC and its partner institution or organization will review the submissions and select the finalists.
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