EAAE-ARCC 2016 International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
The goals of the Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) are:
- To facilitate the development of an architectural research culture, including its infrastructure of researchers, facilities, equipment, research centers, and educational programs.
- To promote that culture and an awareness of its scope.
- To identify possibilities for, and to aid in establishing, research partnerships among government, industry, professional, and academic communities.
- To facilitate exchanges of researchers and students, information and ideas, and access to equipment and resources.
- To facilitate knowledge transfer with regard to the impact of design decisions on the quality of the environment and its infrastructure.
- To aid in technology transfer between industry, professionals, and the schools.
ARCC accomplishes these goals through such mechanisms as:
Providing contact points through the ARCC Board of Directors for individual researchers, university centers, firms, or practitioners seeking information about member research projects, activities, or expertise.
- Helping develop agendas for research in architecture and the built environment in the US, Canada, and Mexico which encompass social, technical, and environmental domains.
- Nurturing linkages between research centers in schools, firms, companies, and the public sector Developing and nurturing subject-based networks of researchers.
- Conducting workshops on administrative practices and issues in research centers and programs.
- Developing or facilitating strategies to enable research assimilation into curricula and practice.
- Dissemination of information, needs, and plans from research-supporting agencies and organizations.
- Exchanging information on research programs, projects, facilities and equipment, doctoral and advanced study programs and other aspects of research infrastructure.
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