Request for Proposals
Deadline: Saturday March 30, 2019
Each year the Architectural Research Centers Consortium hosts an important international conference on architectural research. Every two years, ARCC jointly hosts our international conference with our European partners The European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE). Our 2016 international conference was held in Lisbon, our 2017 conference was hosted by the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, and our 2018 international conference was held in Philadelphia, hosted by Temple University, Jefferson University, and Drexel University. Our 2019 national conference is to be held in Toronto, hosted by Ryerson University, while the 2020 international conference will be held in Valencia, Spain, hosted by Universitat Politècnica De València.
ARCC invites proposals from member schools to host the 2021 ARCC conference and the 2022 ARCC-EAAE Conference. Letters of intent should be submitted by Saturday March 30, 2019, and should meet the following guidelines:
ARCC Conferences are a premier outlet for disseminating leading edge research regarding the built environment. They are designed to be a conference for 100-160 attendees with sessions structured to allow ample time for discussion. Additionally, it is to be a self-supporting event, meaning that registration fees shall be inclusive of all costs associated with the conference, including cost of rentals, keynote speakers, transportation between events (if required), meals, conference bags etc.
The responsibilities of the host are:
- to identify the conference theme and subthemes, in coordination with ARCC Board for the 2021 conference and with the ARCC and EAAE boards for the 2022 one.
- to identify a conference chair, who will act as the primary point of contact between the ARCC board and the host institution. The conference chair will be invited to attend ARCC board meetings.
- to prepare a call for submissions in coordination with the ARCC and EAAE boards as needed.
- to select keynote speakers in consultation with the ARCC and EAAE boards as needed.
- to make all logistic arrangements for conference sessions, keynote speaker(s), plenary sessions, paper presentations, workshops, poster exhibits, tours, and social events including equipment and food.
- to arrange participant accommodations (if needed), venue sites and any necessary transportation.
- to prepare a preliminary budget for the conference in consultation with ARCC board.
- to present a budget report for review at the monthly meeting of the ARCC Board of Directors once the proposal has been accepted.
The responsibilities of the ARCC Board are:
- to develop communication material for the conference in consultation with the host institution. These include the conference website, email communications, and social media among others.
- to manage the blind peer-review and acceptance process for all submissions.
- to develop the conference schedule including paper sessions, panel discussion, workshops, and exhibits.
- to produce the conference proceedings.
- to identify session chairs, workshop moderators, panelists, etc. in consultation with the host institution.
- to set registration rates for the conference in consultation with the host institution,
- to arrange the financial mechanisms for receiving registration fees.
Letters of Intent are sought from member schools/organizations in good standing with ARCC (organizational dues are current before submitting; see website: http://www.arcc-arch.org/current-members/ ). Non-member organizations who wish to submit a letter of intent can do so but will need to become an ARCC member prior to be being awarded the hosting of the conference.
Letters should contain the following information and be submitted in Word format (.doc) and have page numbers:
Cover Page (1 page)
- Name of the Hosting ARCC Member Organization (partnering is encouraged)
- Proposed Conference Theme
- Proposed Location for Conference
- Proposed Dates or range of dates (May or June 2021 or 2022)
- The name of the local coordinator who will act as Conference Chair, as well as the names of co-chairs (if any) or core members of the local organizing committee. A one- paragraph bio sketch about each should appear in an appendix.
Letter of Intent (2-page max)
- The choice of a special theme relevant to the ARCC and for international conference, EAAE audiences. Given the nature of ARCC and EAAE as organizations with wide membership, the special topic should not be too narrow; still it should be topically clear. Note that any themes that fall outside of the special topic area but that are within the scope of ARCC are welcome at the conference. Themes addressing global issues are strongly encouraged.
- Possible guest speakers (list at least 3) and tours relevant to the conference theme.
- The names, affiliations of all proposed members of the Local Organizing Committee. Typically, there should be between 4 and 6 committee members willing to be actively involved in the conference preparation and organization. In addition to established scholars, the inclusion of scholars at the early stages of their careers is encouraged.
- Discussion of why the geographical location should be considered. Discussion of alignment between proposed theme and location are encouraged. Possible locations for accommodations of participants should be included.
- Institutional support should be demonstrated with a letter from the Head of Department and from the Dean.
- A proposed budget that shows in-kind donations, proposed conference fees and venue costs.
- Deadline for the receipt of letters of intent by ARCC is 5:00 PM, Friday March 15, 2019. Letters of intent should be submitted to: Hazem Rashed-Ali, ARCC President, at: hazem.rashedali@utsa.edu.
- If the proposal is accepted, the ARCC Board of Directors may request further information that include additional details about the venue, technical support, accommodation structure, proposed budget, project travel and residency costs for participants.
- Final decisions about conference hosts are expected in early May 2019.
For further questions please contact: Hazem Rashed-Ali, ARCC President, at: hazem.rashedali@utsa.edu