The Architecture of Spirituality in a Multicultural Setting
(6th Annual Symposium of the Forum for Architecture, Culture and Spirituality)
Trinity College in Toronto, Canada. June 5-8, 2014
Submissions Deadline: January 27, 2014
The 6th Annual Symposium on Architecture, Culture and Spirituality (ACS 6) will take place at Trinity Colege in the University of Toronto ( http://www.trinity.utoronto.
The topic is “The Architecture of Spirituality in a Multicultural Setting” and will explore the nature of spiritual expression as articulated in form and space within a multicultural framework. This objective will be pursued in paper-project-presentation sessions responding to the themes described below. As always in ACS symposia, optional meditation will be offered each morning and there will be free time for connecting to oneself, other people and the surroundings.
IDENTITY: As global economics and conflicts accelerate intercontinental migration, many spiritual traditions find themselves striving to secure and maintain identity within a completely new and otherwise foreign context. This theme considers the dynamics of faithfully re-creating the architecture of a spiritual tradition, and/or finding expressions of form, space, and ritual that speak to their adopted landscape.
SHARING: In many cases, it has not been feasible to carry out spiritual expression with their traditional landscape. This theme gives consideration to such possibilities as accommodations within the workplace, the creation of multi-faith worship centres, and sharing of existing religious spaces by more than one faith tradition as a means to embrace a multi-cultural environment
CONFLICT: Because sacred sites, buildings, and iconic objects represent primary manifestations of a spiritual tradition, they are often prime targets of sectarian, interfaith, and politically motivated violence. This theme provides opportunities to explore the nature of this phenomenon.
FORGIVENESS: This theme provides opportunities to explore the question of how design and location of spiritual space and form can contribute to ameliorating tensions, diffusing misunderstandings, and resolving potential conflicts as we seek to find wholeness and peaceful co-existence.
Compelling proposals that relate to the symposium focus but which fall outside of these themes will also be considered for acceptance.
Special Events
Two special event are planned. One is a keynote lecture by McGill Architecture Professor Alberto Pérez-Gómez. The second will be a Sacred Space Tour of Toronto buildings, gardens, and urban settings.
500 words long proposals will be peer-reviewed by the symposium co-chairs and a selected group of ACS members. The deadline is January 27th, 2014.
For more details and information, visit: