Proposals Due: October 23, 2023
The ARCC Research Incentive Award aims to support and promote high‐quality architectural research and scholarship activities in ARCC member schools. The award provides faculty in ARCC member schools with financial resources to support and enhance their research and creative activities and to develop their research agendas.
ARCC defines ‘architectural research’ broadly and inclusively across a wide range of domains in support of advancing knowledge of the built environment.
Eligibility: The Lead PI of the research grant must be a faculty member of an ARCC member institution. Co-PIs may include post-doctoral researchers and/or PhD candidates. Interdisciplinary projects are encouraged. Faculty awarded the ARCC Research Incentive Award are ineligible to apply for one year following the period of their award.
Award Amount: The grant award is $10,000. ARCC awards one or more grants each year depending on availability of funds.
Grant Period and Timeline: The performance period for the 2024 ARCC Research Incentive Award is January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024. An interim project progress report is due June 1, 2024. The final project report is due January 31, 2025.
Proposal Requirements: Applications should be submitted by the Lead PI’s institution. The following proposal elements are required:
The Cover Page includes 1) the project title, 2) the name, position, and institution of Lead PI and Co-PIs (if applicable), and 3) an abstract (250 words maximum) summarizing the objectives, benefits, and significance of the proposed research.
The Project Description includes 1) the project title, 2) conceptual background of the proposed study, including a description of relevant work, and theoretical justification for the research, 3) detailed methodological approach to be used in conducting the research, 4) impact on applicant’s research program over the long term, 5) dissemination outlets in which the project will be submitted. Indicate if program funds will be used to generate preliminary results for a larger funding proposal. If additional information is needed, an appendix may be included. Any exception or absence of this format will result in the proposal being disqualified.
Provide a list of key references from which the research is founded and/or motivated and used in conducting the proposed research.
Provide a detailed description of requested funds. A detailed budget justification must be included. The budget justification must convey an integrated understanding of the resources necessary to complete the proposed project. Award funds may be used for student support, faculty or student travel, supplies, expenses of field work, data collection, archival research, training, educational purposes and/or research, creative or scholarly activities directly related to the proposed project. Funds cannot be used for faculty salaries, office equipment, stipends, scholarships and/or tuition. The award allows for a maximum of 10% of indirect costs (F&A). Cost sharing is not required.
Provide biographical sketches of Lead PI and each Co-PI, as applicable.
Letters of Support (up to 3) should be addressed to ARCC endorsing the proposed project, and should explain how the proposed project will contribute to the faculty member’s professional development; contribute to the discipline; and advance department, college, and university research and creative activity goals. One letter of support must be provided by the Department Chair of the Lead PI.
Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria: 1) clarity, specificity, and quality of the proposal, 2) suitability and rigor of proposed research methodology, 3) suitability for publication, exhibition, performance, or subsequent extramural funding, 4) significance of research contribution to the discipline(s) and/or architectural practice(s), 5) contribution to professional development of the investigator(s).
Final Report Requirements: The Lead PI is responsible for submitting an interim report no later than June 1, 2024 and a final report no later than January 31, 2025. The reports should provide a summary of the conducted research, the results reached, as well as a financial report of all project expenditures. The final report should list any published or in-progress publications, exhibits or other scholarly or creative outcomes resulting from the project. The final report will be published on the ARCC website, repository, and other communication outlets. PIs are also strongly encouraged to consider submitting their work to ARCC conferences and research journals.
Acknowledgement: The Lead PI must clearly acknowledge the ARCC Research Incentive Award in all publications, exhibits or other scholarly or creative outcomes resulting from the project.
Send electronic submission to Awards Committee Chair, Professor Ihab Elzeyadi by October 23, 2023 in electronic form using “.pdf” file format.
Former Recipients:
Rachel Dickey, Ali Karduni, and Noushin Radnia, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Niloufar Emami, Louisiana State University
Shelby Doyle and Nick Senske, Iowa State University