Ball State University – Center for Energy Research/Education/Service (CERES)

Recently completed projects

Cope Environmental Education Center – Living Building Performance Modeling

CERES has assisted the COPE Environmental Center with energy and passive system performance simulations (thermal, solar and ventilation) for their newly opened Sustainable Education Center facility in Centerville, Indiana designed and constructed to meet the Living Building Challenge.

Real-time solar monitoring data can be viewed here.

View drone video footage taken during construction.


Sherif Attallah
Assistant Professor of Construction Management
Purdue University, PhD
Heriot Watt University, MBA
The American University in Cairo, BSc

Previous research includes environmental life cycle analysis, evaluation of building performance, and agent-based modeling for decision making related to sustainable development in construction markets. Has taught sustainability in construction projects, renewable energy systems, building diagnostics, and life cycle analysis to undergraduates and graduates. Interested in developing efficient construction materials for energy conservation and evaluation of building performance.

Tom Collins
Assistant Professor of Architecture
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, B.Arch, BS

Teaching areas include environmental systems and architectural design courses. Research focuses on the nexus of energy, building performance, and human behavior, with a particular focus on sustainability at higher education institutions and post-occupancy evaluation. Current research includes an indoor environmental quality study in BSU Interactive Learning Classrooms.

Walter Grondzik, PE, LEED-AP
Professor of Architecture
Washington University, MS
Pennsylvania State University, BArchEng

Teaching and research interests include environmental technologies in architecture (HVAC, lighting systems, architectural acoustics, fire protection, plumbing systems), energy and resource conservation and utilization, building performance, and building commissioning.

Andrea Swartz, NCARB
Professor of Architecture
Chair, Department of Architecture
Yale University, MArch, BA

Teaching interests include architectural design and conceptualization integrating technology systems, materials, detailing, and passive and active sustainability strategies; teaching methods that engage students in hands-on learning in the realities of fabrication; and facilitating student/community conversations in architectural design and “making.” Coordinated students in restoration of a downtown building into the Muncie Makes Lab gallery and installation venue.
AIA Henry Adams Medal, Charles M. Sappenfield Award of Excellence

Sanglim Yoo
Assistant Professor of Urban Planning
State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, PhD
Seoul National University, MCP
Seoul National University, BS

Teaching and research interests include application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) techniques to address and quantify the interaction between humans and the environment in urban areas, application of traditional and spatial statistical analysis methods, economic valuation of environmental amenities in urban areas, application of spatial statistical methods to address the heterogeneity of urban environmental issues, addressing Urban Heat Islands (UHIs) by applying GIS and RS techniques, and the relationship between UHIs and heterogeneous physical and socio-economical characteristics of urban areas.
Member American Association of Geographers, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, North American Regional Science Council, and Indiana Geographic Information Council


Research Centers

The Center for Cultural Sustainability
Center for Urban and Regional Planning Research
Urban Future Lab