ARCC – EAAE 2018 Conference: Architectural Research for a Global Community – CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS

May 16‐19, 2018; Philadelphia, PA

Hosted by the Tyler School of Art and the Division of Architecture and Environmental Design, Temple University

Happiness: The Built Environment Shaping the Quality of Life

Gross National Happiness (GNH) speaks to the measure of a nation’s collective well-being. Introduced by the King of Bhutan in the early 1970s as an alternate to Gross National Product (GNP), GNH focuses on the importance of the human factor and identifies four pillars of happiness outlined in Bhutan’s constitution: good governance, sustainable socioeconomic development, preservation and promotion of culture, and environmental conservation.

Recognizing the inherent relationship of the built environment to the tenets above, the ARCC – EAAE 2018 International Conference Architectural Research for a Global Community conference revisits the framework for GNH. The timing is significant as major shifts in local and global social and political agendas impact physical and
social environments. This is an opportunity to reflect on what and why we research.

The 2018 international conference, jointly organized by the Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) and the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE), brings together architectural scholars and practitioners from around the world to examine the architectural dimensions of community at scales ranging from intimate local settings to broader global commons. The conference location, Philadelphia–referred to as the cradle of modern democracy–provides an opportunity to advance this conversation by considering human- and environmental-focused aspects that are central to the nature of the city and place and its impact on quality of life.


ARCC – EAAE 2018 International Conference in Philadelphia, May 16‐19, 2018 CONFERENCE THEMES

The goal of the conference is to advance discourse on explicit connections between design decisions, qualities of life, and promotion of community. We invite papers and projects in the following five categories:

Architectural research and advocacy considers urgent social and political issues that face the built environment. Topics include: leadership and citizenry in a changing world, the role and impact of public engagement architecture in a social setting, architectural research and design connecting space, property, and value, and the transformative nature of data-driven planning and design.
Architectural research and application considers the value of relationships between design and research. Techniques and tools that enable this reciprocity at multiple scales are of particular interest. Issues include the impact of global design and planning research on local environments and social conditions, the change in global priorities due to local innovation, and the ethics of development.

Architectural research and culture considers the role of built environment as an active participant in the local and global production of culture. Shifting methods of research that yield a broader knowledge base and emerging digital tools that drive the course of humanities-oriented research are of particular interest. Topics include architecture’s role in cultural change, historical research as design strategy, public history and cultural heritage, and the culture of architectural practice and research.

Architectural research and the environment considers the vital symbiosis between the natural and the built world. Of particular interest are research questions and design solutions reframing this dichotomy to find transformative relationships between humanity and its environment. Topics include environmental humanities, local sustainable practices facing global issues, greening of the built environment, and resilience as tracked through the interior to the
exterior and from the object to the infrastructural scale.

Open Category is reserved for papers and projects with origins not specifically related to the categories above that offer interesting perspectives on the larger conference theme.


The conference invites submissions of research work from both academics and practitioners in any of the following tracks. Submissions must be made through this website:

Full Papers are solicited for each of the conference themes. Selection of papers will be based on a two-stage double-blind peer review process. Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to submit full papers for peer review. Authors of abstracts not accepted for full paper submission may be invited to submit posters. Abstracts are limited to 500 words and may include supporting graphics. Guidelines for full paper submission will be provided at a later date.

Research Poster abstracts may be submitted for peer-review. Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to submit a full poster to be exhibited in the conference. Abstracts are limited to 500 words and may include supporting graphics.

ARCC Doctoral Student Workshop invites doctoral candidates working on their dissertations to submit dissertations. The second annual workshop is a forum for students at the proposal phase or the interpretation phase of their dissertation work to present and discuss their work with senior mentors in architectural research. The workshop strengthens thesis/dissertation work and supports development of networks for young researchers in architecture and related disciplines. Applications consist of a 500 word abstract on the doctoral work that should discuss why the applicant seeks feedback in this particular venue and how they hope it will further their research.

Plenary Session Presentation applications focusing on the conference’s main theme of “Architectural Research for A Global Community” are invited. Submissions should be limited to 1000 words and may contain supporting graphics. Applications will go through a peer-review process and authors of selected submissions will be invited to participate in the plenary session.


September 10, 2017 – Call for submissions issued
November 1, 2017 – Deadline for submission of abstracts for full papers and posters
December 1, 2017 – Preliminary confirmation of accepted papers and posters
January 15, 2018 – Deadline for submission of full papers
February 1, 2018 – Deadline for submission of Plenary Session and Doctoral Student Workshop
March 1, 2018 – Acceptance confirmation for full papers, Plenary Session, and Doctoral Student Workshop.
April 1, 2018 – Deadline for submission of final papers, and posters
May 16-19, 2018 – ARCC – EAAE 2018 International Conference in Philadelphia