
ARCC 2019 International Conference
Future Praxis: Applied Research as a Bridge Between Theory and Practice

May 29-June 1, 2019  I  Toronto, Canada

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Hosted by Ryerson University
Conference Chair: Yew-Thong Leong, Department of Architectural Science

With sponsorship support from the AIA and Velux




Developing an Architectural Research Agenda

The workshop will discuss currently relevant areas of architectural research and address how to choose and develop an architectural research topic and frame research questions or hypotheses. Issues of funded research will also be covered including possible funding agencies and guidance on developing good research proposals. Seating Limited.

Writing for Architectural Journals: Guidelines, Tips, and Pitfalls

Moderated by editors of architectural journals, the workshop will provide guidance on writing for academic journals including structuring the papers, evolving an argument, providing adequate literature support, and developing conclusions.  Examples will be discussed and attendees will have the opportunity to solicit feedback on their work. Seating limited.

Doctoral Students Workshop

The workshop is a forum for students at the proposal phase or the interpretation phase of their dissertation work to present and discuss their work with senior mentors in architectural research. The workshop strengthens thesis/dissertation work and supports development of networks for young researchers in architecture and related disciplines.

Direct Inquires to:
Adil Sharag-Eldin