April 12-15, 2023 I DALLAS I Hosted by Texas Tech University
Conference Co-Chairs: Saif Haq and Zahra Safaverdi.

Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth (2002), Tadao Ando, Fort Worth, TX
ARCC will offer a series of open workshops during the Conference. The workshops are intended to offer both theoretical and practical information and feedback, with integral discussion sessions intended to foster dialog between conference participants.
> Rethinking Architectural Research: Feminist Theory as a path To Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
This workshop will foreground research questions regarding women and the spaces they occupy. The topic is current in architectural research, as evidenced by established research groups in peer organizations such as ACSA, SAH, or AAG. The workshop is aimed at all researchers who wish to expand their research questions to include feminist theory
> Ph.D. Discussion Panel
The workshop is a forum for students at the proposal phase or the interpretation phase of their dissertation work to present and discuss their work with senior mentors in architectural research. The workshop strengthens thesis/dissertation work and supports development of networks for young researchers in architecture and related disciplines.
> Developing an Architectural Research Agenda
The workshop will discuss currently relevant areas of architectural research and address how to choose and develop an architectural research topic and frame research questions or hypotheses. Issues of funded research will also be covered including possible funding agencies and guidance on developing good research proposals.
> Writing a Successful NSF Grant
The workshop will offer presentations and discussion by a previous NSF program manager and successful NSF awardee describing the process for securing an NSF grant, from communications with NSF Program Directors to qualifications, impact and proposal submission. Q&A session to follow.
> Publishing with Routledge Press
The workshop will offer a presentation by Taylor & Francis describing the process for publishing a book with Routledge Press, from proposal submission to editorial assessment, peer review, contracts, timelines and manuscript delivery. Q&A session to follow.
> Spatial Equity and Inclusiveness in Research and Practice
The workshop will introduce a series of questions and provocations by scholars from Europe, Canada and the U.S. to foster audience participation on the topic of spatial equity and inclusion in the discipline and profession of architecture.
ARCC 2023 International Conference
Wednesday-Saturday, April 12-15, 2023
Direct Inquires to:
Adil Sharag-Eldin
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