How Saeed Ahmadi Oloonabadi of NC State is Making Urban Planning More Equitable

Saeed Ahmadi Oloonabadi, Ph.D. Candidate, College of Design, NC State

To many, taking an active role in local government planning can have a myriad of roadblocks. A lack of access to information, language barriers, excessive time costs and a poor implementation of two-way communication methods are just a few of the reasons why residents across the country don’t speak up during public municipal government hearings. These reasons not only affect how communities develop and are granted resources, but they also have a direct correlation to the health and well-being of certain neighborhoods.

But what if an entire community was able to democratize their neighborhood’s development from the palm of their hand? Saeed Ahmadi Oloonabadi, a Ph.D. candidate at the NC State College of Design, is answering that very question through his augmented reality mobile application, CommunitAR.

For more info, click here.