PLEA 2018 Conference in Hong Kong
PLEA stands for “Passive and Low Energy Architecture”, a commitment to the development, documentation and diffusion of the principles of bioclimatic design and the application of natural and innovative techniques for sustainable architecture and urban design.
PLEA is a renowned, highly regarded international annual conference to discuss and promote the development of bioclimatic design and the application of natural and innovation techniques for sustainable architecture and design. PLEA pursues its objectives through international conferences and workshops; expert group meetings and consultancies; scientific and technical publications; and architectural competitions and exhibitions.
Since 1982, PLEA has organised conferences and events across the globe. The annual conference of PLEA is highly regarded, attracting academics and practicing architects in equal numbers. Past conferences have taken place in United States, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa and Australia. It is the first time that the PLEA conference comes to Hong Kong. The juxtaposition of Hong Kong’s compact and high-density living and scenic countryside makes it an intriguing case of urban sustainability and climate resilience. The city’s latest Hong Kong 2030+: Towards a Planning Vision and Transcending 2030further promotes the idea of smart, green and resilient cities, with a special focus on green buildings and blue-green infrastructure.
With the theme “Smart and Healthy within the 2-degree Limit” and four tracks of “Science & Technology”, “People & Community”, “Design & Practice” and “Education & Training”, the conference strives to address the different facets of smart and healthy living. It is the aim of the conference to bring together designers, academics, researchers, students, and professionals in the building industry in the pursuit of a better and more sustainable urban and built environment.
Official Launch
On 5 July 2017 in Edinburgh, Prof Edward Ng, PLEA President has been thrilled to announce the official launch of the 34th PLEA Conference 2018, which will take place between the 10th and 12th of December, 2018 on campus of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong. Don’t miss the chance to be part of PLEA Conference 2018.
About PLEA, please visit