Call for Applications
Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, NJ
The Architecture, Culture, and Spirituality Forum (ACSF) would like to invite ARCC members to consider applying for the resident scholar program at the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, NJ. Two research workshops will be conducted during 2020-2021 under the theme of Religion and the Built Environment (one in the Fall 2020 and one in the Spring 2021). The mission of CTI is to “convene leading thinkers in an interdisciplinary research environment where theology makes an impact on global concerns, and we share those discoveries to change the way people think and act.”
Having CTI devote a whole year to the study of how the constructed world and spiritual practices intersect and influence one another is quite remarkable and unprecedented. ACSF has partnered with CTI in this effort, and will organize a series of Critical Conversations with experts in the field during the theme year.
For information on the Religion and Built Environment visiting scholar program, see the call document or visit https://www.ctinquiry.