The Georgia Institute of Technology’s School of Architecture invites applications and/or nominations for three positions, all to commence in Fall 2018:
- Full-Time Tenured or Tenure-Track Associate or Full Professor; Director of High Performance Building Research Lab
- Thomas W. Ventulett III Distinguished Chair in Architectural Design
- Ventulett NEXT Generation Visiting Fellowship in Architecture
More details on each position can be found below.
The School of Architecture is one of five schools in the College of Design. Other schools include Building Construction, City and Regional Planning, Industrial Design, and Music. The SoA offers Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Architecture, along with specialized M.S. degrees in Digital Design and Fabrication, High Performance Buildings, Design and Health, and Urban Design.
The Georgia Institute of Technology is a leading research university committed to improving the human condition through advanced science and technology. As a leading technological university, Georgia Tech has more than 100 centers focused on interdisciplinary research that consistently contribute vital research and innovation to American government, industry, and business. Georgia Tech’s campus occupies 330 acres in the heart of the lively, progressive city of Atlanta, where more than 25,000 undergraduate and graduate students receive a focused, technologically based education.
Procedure: Letter of interest, curriculum vita, teaching interest statement (1 p. max), research statement (2 pp. max), portfolio of creative work (20 pp. max), and names and contact information for three references are required. Additional material may be requested.
Application materials are accepted electronically. Please email a single PDF document of the application to (Subject Line: [[name of search]]). Review of applications will begin November 15, 2017, and continue until the positions are filled.
1. Full-Time Tenured or Tenure-Track Associate or Professor; Director of High Performance Building Research Lab
The School of Architecture invites applications for the Director of the High Performance Building Lab (HPBLab). The HPBLab is an internationally recognized leader in research in building energy systems, renewable technologies and energy modeling at the building and urban scale. The lab is also looking to expand its research breadth to include other areas of building performance. Current research in the lab is supported by grants from NSF, DOE, GSA National Research Labs, among others. In addition to a director, the HPBLab has staff support and graduate research assistant positions.
For more information, visit:
2. The Thomas W. Ventulett III Distinguished Chair in Architectural Design
The intention of the Ventulett Chair is to engage a distinguished practitioner with a record of international leadership and excellence in architecture to teach in the School and to develop significant initiatives to advance architectural design, architectural education, and the knowledge base that supports them. The chair holder will be appointed as a non-tenured rank Professor of Practice in the School of Architecture. The terms of residency and length of appointment of one to three years are negotiable. Responsibilities include teaching design studios and workshops at both the undergraduate and graduate level. The chair is made possible by a generous endowment in honor of Georgia Tech alumnus Tom Ventulett, founding partner of TVSDesign in Atlanta. Previous chair holders include Monica Ponce de León, Nader Tehrani, Lars Spuybroek, and Marc Simmons.
For more information, visit:
3. Ventulett NEXT Generation Visiting Fellowship in Architecture
The School of Architecture (SoA) invites applications for the Ventulett NEXT Generation Visiting Fellowship position for the 2018-19 academic year. The NEXT Fellows is a new initiative in the SoA intended to attract candidates who are at the beginning of their careers and interested in interdisciplinary teaching and research that merges design, technology, and culture. NEXT Fellows will be expected to teach design studios and/or seminars/workshops at both the undergraduate and graduate level and participate actively in the life of the School. The workshops can be used to assist the Fellow in his/her own directed research that will result in a public exhibition and lecture at the School. This is a two-year, full-time appointment, with a review and evaluation after the first year.
For more information, visit:
The Georgia Institute of Technology is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, and applications from women and under-represented minorities are strongly encouraged.